Tuesday, May 4, 2010

House, The Big Bang Theory, Seventh Moon (again)

Monday, May 3
House, “The Choice,” aired May 3 on Fox
The title is about the patient’s insistence that he has chosen not to be gay; perhaps it also refers to the propositions that Taub can choose to be monogamous, and that House can choose to have friends.  Possible or not?
In a storyline about a man who goes to great lengths to try to “cure” his homosexuality, it was surprising that there was not one mention of religion.
The Big Bang Theory, “The Spaghetti Catalyst,” aired May 3 on CBS
Chuck Lorre, we all love Sheldon, but please do not let The Big Bang Theory become The Sheldon Show.  Why?  Because that’s where the infamous shark is.  You know, the one over which you don’t want to jump.  You have a great ensemble here, Chuck.  Use all of it.
This is another Sheldon episode, about Mr. Cooper’s inability to choose between Team Penny and Team Leonard after the breakup.  
FearNet On Demand
Seventh Moon, second try.  With my Sumsung television switched to Movie Mode and turned up to a brightness of 76, I was able to watch the movie instead of squinting at it.  The creatures have a very creepy look, but the story was predictable.  I don’t think that’s only because I remembered it from the day before.

1 comment:

  1. Great post buddy!! What a show Big Bang Theory... The actors surely need to be applauded for their convincing performances on The Big Bang Theory Episodes. Such is the strength of on screen characters in The Big Bang Theory that we associate them with the actor’s real persona. i love to watch this TV show.
